MI Hunting Podcast
Born and raised in Northern Michigan and here to share stories with friends and lessons learned as a hunter in Michigan. An average Michigander with the love for the outdoors. We will discus hunting, gear, tactics, wild forage, fishing, hiking, camping, fur harvest, and much more.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
On this episode I give an update on my season so far. A lot of effort has gone into achieving my goal of harvesting a public land buck. So far I am empty handed. There have been several lows mixed with some highs. Thinking back on the mistakes I have made as well as build on what has gone right. The Rut is upon us and it is time to capitalize. I run through my thought process and my plan heading into the next part of the season.
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
The Product for this week is Scent Slammers Throw-And-Go Ozone Air Purifier. Ozone or O3 has been use for years now in the hunting woods. Some say it is just a gimmick others would head to the woods with out it. Having use the Throw and Go over the past three years I have learn that it is a useful tool to aid in controlling your scent when hunting. There are some drawbacks but in my experience the Pro out weigh the Cons. With several product available Scent Slammer is a cheaper alternative for Ozone hunting products. They offer several options Ozone generators that can fit with your needs and price range. IF wanting to try Ozone for the first time it is a great product to find out if it is right for you.
Check out the full product line Online:
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
This episode joining me on the line is Allie Smith followed by Brandon Vickery. They tell stories of their opening Day bucks. Both were evening hunts on a good food source, once again showing having a quality food source early in the season can pay off drawing deer in that may not have shifted from the summer pattern. First we hear from Allie as she tells the story of the buck she wasn't expecting. Then Brandon joins me as he tells his story about a targeted buck and what it took to harvest him. He discusses the importance practicing with your bow to be ready to make a shot when it matters most. Closing with some words of encouragement for the coming weeks as it is the Pre Rut here for much of the area and buck activity is on the rise.
To see Brandon's hunt head over to Youtube at: Michigan Outdoor Alliance
or check out the photos of his buck @michiganoutdooralliance
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Huntwise is a Michigan base hunting app. Loaded with maps from across the country and features to help you on your hunting adventures. A prime feature developed by the huntwise team and Jeff Sturgis of Whitetail Habitat Solutions, is Huntcast. An in-depth hunt forecast to help you to hunt the the right days to capitalize on deer movement. With a brand new feature Call RutCast giving you local rut phases to help guide you throughout the the hunting season
To Find out more Visit Huntwise and use the Free Trail
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
For episode one of the new series of Product Highlights we start with ConQuest Scents Evercalm. This is a Cover scent that puts deer at ease, mimicking the smell of a bedding area.
For more information head to
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
It is finally here! Archery season has opened. On this episode I give my thoughts going into the 2021 season. Talk safety in the woods. Life lines and safety harnesses are a must. Never hurts to pack some first aid... just in case. Review gear prep ensuring all gear is packed and ready to go. Practice tips to get you prepared for the moment of truth. Last minute scouting findings and take away. Dealing with hunting pressure and the general public. Open communication to avoid conflicts. A big good luck this season and don't for get to enjoy it.
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
I'm joined by fellow Michigan hunter Steven Crawford, who is host of Chasing Legends Outdoor Podcast. We jump into the conversation talking out of state hunts for the year. Diving into the goals for the upcoming season where Steven is putting a good amount of time and effort into hunting public land. Public land hunting provides opportunity for many hunters that may not have access to private property for hunting or for those that are seeking more options to be able to hunt new locations. Steven covers his use of secondary food sources when keying in on deer movement and utilizing natural and mock scraps. It may be a bit of a broken record but none the less important, ensuring good access routes to and from the stand and understanding how the wind moves through the area you are hunting. Closing with the gear he will not go without revolving around that idea that controlling scent and understanding the wind with milk weed as his go to wind checker. To find out more check out Stevens podcast where you listen to podcast or follow the links below.
On Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/chasing_legends_247/
Podcast Link:
Chasing Legends: "Trapping" Big Whitetails on Mock Scrapes w/ Troy Pottenger
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
This week I'm joined by Jared Walker owner of Flint Ridge Rifles out of Howell Michigan. Jared discusses the process of finding what the customer is looking for to build the best hunting rifle that will give the most opportunity for success. Reviewing to options to think about if looking for your next rifle. As Jared stated a rifle should be a generational acquisition. We talk fundamentals of a good shot. Even of not in the market for a new rifle there are things you can do to improve your current rifle. Flint Ridge Rifles also offers a 700 program. Taking the 700 action and building a solid rifle around it. Jared stresses to not take short cuts on optics. That classic case you get what you pay for. We close with what he has planned for the upcoming, getting his kids out hunting and his plan trip out west. Flint Ridge Rifles is for 10% Conservation, they will donate 10% of all profits to conservation organizations.
For more information on Flint Ridge Rifles please visit
A Generational Acquisition-Flint Ridge Rifles
Flint Ridge Rifles (@flint_ridge_rifles) • Instagram photos and videos
Flint Ridge Rifles - Home | Facebook
or reach out to Jared at
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
This week we talk with Andrew Milliron, who is Land management consultant and owner of Ironway Outdoors, as we discuss his approach to land management. Ironway Outdoors is a land and wildlife management business that is committed to improving land and the future of wildlife. Andrew and I go over his philosophy when approaching a new property. Aid clients assessing their property and help create a management plan that addresses where the property can be improve with realistic goals. Andrew covers his practices when it comes to food plots keeping soil quality as a foundation. Discuss herd and timber management with the goal of quality deer management and having well rounded habitat on a property. Andrew closes with the advise of even if you have you own private hunting property do not forget about public land. It is easy to over hunt managed lands and not allow your improvements reach full potential.
To find out more more about Ironway Outdoors and Andrew reach out at
For information on Northwest Michigan NDA women's archery 3d shoot
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
This week I go into my journey doing land management. Starting out I knew nothing when it came to food plots and habitat improvement. Over the years I made mistakes and improved. There is a right way to do it but I found there are wrong ways and I share what I have learn in hope to help others avoid pitfalls